jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011

My auto biography

Via Anaii Morales Garcia born in Santiago on July 22, 1992. At the elemenatry scohol, she studied for 15 years at Colegio Altamira in Peñalolen, that more than college was like home, since it is a very special school.

After she completed this beautiful stage of her education,she came to the university in the year 2011 to the faculty of  Veterinary Medicine at university of Chile.

Her family is compost of her mather Lorena Garcia, her father Tomas Morales and her sister Josefa Morales. Her father is working in the sky La Parva center, and her mother is working  printing company, and her sister studied in the Colegio Altamira.

Via loves animals in specialls horses and dogs. She has nine pets at home: six dogs, Soe, Luna, Lia, Pelusa, Nika, Tomy, and two birds, Pistacho and Mani, and one hamster, Martita, but her dogs most thear is Boli she is on the beach. And love skiing and voleiball.

4 comentarios:

  1. The name of your birds and the others pet are very originals.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Wow Via! you spent much time in your school. I think that you shared a lot of time with your classmates because you were all your life in the same school. I really like when you said that you take care of many animals. That's the veterinarian's dream.

  4. wow six dogs is much!and also two birds and hamster y really fantastic my dream! many animals
    good blog! bye.
