jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011

A country I would like to visit


I would like travel to India for two reasons, the first is their culture, they have preserved their traditions which I have always drawn attention. and second they have one big biodiversity, is one of the eighteen country megadiverse.

Always i liked the history of india, their beliefs, their gods, whether the religion of Hinduism, which is a mixture of religions, called my attention.

Añadir leyenda
 If I go there someday, I will travel around the country to meet people and know places. But I do not want sleep in the hotel i would like stay home for Indian people, live those days with them.

I would like know this country but if i like it I would love to stay and live and work.

If someday I have the opportunity to go, I would like know the all temples and know the history of all gods.

5 comentarios:

  1. India is a beautiful place and its culture is one of the richest in the world

  2. I always thought that Indian culture is great as its architecture and landscapes.

  3. Their culture must be so interesting, I would like to go there too!!

  4. I've always felt attracted by Indian culture, but the only problem with this country is that too many people live there..
    It's really crowded.
